Investor Visa 2 Years

Investor KITAS (Type 313 & 314) is issued to applicants who invest in a company in Indonesia and want to manage this company. Indonesian investor KITAS consists of a lot of benefits, with the most profitable ones including the ease of application and the waive of the work permit fee. If previously foreign investors were required to pay a hefty fee of USD 1,200 per year, this is no longer the case with an Investor KITAS, provided that they satisfy all the investment requirements.

As an Investor, you are required to have a minimum investment of IDR 1billion in invested shares to be eligible for an investor KITAS/ITAS. Furthermore, the invested capital of the company has to be over IDR 10bilion. Due to the wish of the Indonesian government to attract more investors and wealthy foreigners, amendments to the law of several “on job creation” are being prepared; from a new type of visitor visa for “pre-investment purposes’, to new options for a residence permit.

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